Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Three Top Internet Marketing Trends to Use for Your Business in 2016

When it comes to marketing your business to current and future customers, trends are always changing. Keeping up-to-date with these trends can be a challenge if you are trying to do it all by yourself. Instead of attempting to handle all of the marketing for your business on your own, consult with a specialist for internet marketing in Indianapolis who has the expertise and experience to do this for you, especially if they stick with these top three digital marketing trends for 2016. Complex Browsing and Shopping Journeys Companies will have to use responsive design and a single URL to handle the complex browsing and shopping journeys of their customers. Today's savvy internet users are using multiple devices, different operating systems and various web browsers to do their shopping and searches. You can expect these journeys to increase in complexity. Being able to use digital marketing strategies that cross platforms will help you to capture your target market’s attention.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Web Design Firms Urge Businesses to Prepare for Penguin Update in 2016

As early as now, SEO and web design firms in Indianapolis are urging businesses to prepare for Google’s upcoming Penguin Update. According to Gary Illyes, a Webmaster Trends Analyst at Google, the latest algorithm update will roll out soon. The least businesses can do now is prepare as the last update resulted in many websites losing rank and getting penalized. Now, Google is giving entrepreneurs and businesses a chance to be ready before the new update goes live in 2016. The original Penguin Update was released in 2012 in order to better catch sites that are spamming search results. For instance, sites that were buying links or getting them through link networks that are specifically designed to boost their Google rankings were penalized. As a result, these websites had to work hard to get back in Google’s good graces. According to Search Engine Land, the next update will be a real-time version.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Internet Marketing: The Benefits Having an Optimized Website Design

Whether you're running an online business or a brick and mortar one, it is essential that you invest in a well optimized website design to promote your company. Having a well designed website will make the difference between making or breaking a sale. Indianapolis internet marketing companies, such as MyNetWire, have tools, resources and skilled experts to assist you with optimizing your website's design towards your niche market. First Impressions Count Just as first impressions count in real life, the same goes for the virtual world. Therefore, you always want to ensure that your home page is one that is attention-grabbing and that it entices the visitors to want to explore your website further.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Internet Marketing for Small Businesses: Why Invest in Local SEO?

Years ago, small Indianapolis businesses had no way to match the booming advertisements of the bigger chains. Internet marketing, however, has revolutionized and significantly leveled the playing field. Search engines, such as Google, are now focusing on providing their users more localized search results, which is great news if you are serving a particular neighborhood, town, county or state. Ranking in local search According to Search Engine Journal, when geography is considered, there is generally smaller big brand presence in search results. This provides smaller businesses, which focus on areas with lesser competition, a chance to gain stronger organic search visibility. How it works? Type in your product/service and the location your business is serving (e.g. cars for sale/law firm/ hotel accommodations in Indianapolis). Where is it in the rankings? 1st? 2nd? First page, second page…?